Chocolate Salted Caramel

Posted by on Jun 22, 2012 in Blog

Chocolate Salted Caramel

This week’s inspiration for Fresh Baked Friday, came from my recent addiction to sweet and salty snacks. After getting getting some feedback from our Glaze fans on Facebook, I decided a chocolate salted caramel cupcake was in order! These type of cupcakes that I have tried in the past have delivered the perfect balance of salty and sweet goodness. This was my mission today.

Another challenge for myself today was to make caramel from scratch. This proved to be a feat in itself to get this right. One pot of burned caramel later, I ended up with the right taste and consistency. I decided to give my homemade salted caramel a shot and add it as a filling to the cupcake than just adding it to my frosting and having it as a drizzle. Of course, I had to pair this with my favorite chocolate cake recipe!







After I filled the cupcakes with the salted caramel, piped the salted caramel buttercream and drizzled the salted caramel on, I thought it needed some chocolate flavor on top. I believed a good contrast would be a dark chocolate drizzle and a few chocolate candy chunks on top.



















After all was said and done, this is what I ended up with. As always I feel like I need to revise the recipe a little bit to make it perfection. A bit too salty overall in taste than I wanted so I think I may just leave out the filling for my next test batch to see if that will make a difference. There may have been too much of the caramel overall in the whole cupcake that over powered it and made the cupcake a little to salty for my taste buds. However, a great test for me to see if I could make my own homemade caramel. Totally enjoyed making these cupcakes and can’t wait to perfect them the next time I whip up a batch!